My name is Sylwester.
I created the website to share learning materials and cutting-edge research and make them available to individuals and cyber security professionals. In addition, I would like to facilitate learning and research through collaboration. The target audience are both cyber and information security professionals, as well as the individuals interested in learning more about the subject.
I work as a Senior Security Consultant for a professional organisation helping clients with their Cyber Security needs on a daily basis. Over a long period of time, I acquired cyber and information security related knowledge, skills and certifications that help me do my job properly.
I live in the UK. I am married and have two kids and I am thankful to my wonderful wife for being understanding and allowing me to run this website in my spare time.
Having a talent is not enough to succeed in this field. The talent needs to be cultivated and nurtured over a period of time to reach the level of expertise that is hard to find nowadays. The process involves constant research, learning and practice in real word scenarios.
The learning and research never ends, however as long as you are willing to undertake it and invest time and effort in it, you will be delighted with the end results.
I make mistakes all the time and learned a lot from them. Once I have learned the solution, it is unlikely that I will make the same mistake twice. The key message here is not to give up, if you face a stumbling block. The harder the challenge is, the more interesting it is and the more you can learn from it.
I am passionate about the subject and interested in self-improvement to acquire and keep up-to-date the skills and expertise allowing me to make informed choices about security and protect highly sophisticated and secure environments. Knowledge gained while compromising systems can be invaluable in protecting these systems.
If you are keen on learning new tricks and improving your existing skills, please visit this site frequently to discover new content.